Because It Is Analytics Time
Cases in Database Design
A typical database design process involves requirement analysis, conceptual (high level) design, and logical design—all leading to a physical design. The final logical data model should be specific enough in order to be mapped onto a physical database. A data model—developed as an Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (EERD) in MySQL Workbench—can be automatically transformed into a physical design (database schema). Such a model includes a complete set of entities, attributes, key, relationships, cardinality and participation constraints that are necessary to accurately define a physical database.
The following cases show how the process of developing databases with MySQL Worbench works.
Case 1: Database Design for Hobby Page
Supportive Document: Presentaion, MySQL Workbench Model, Excel Data, SQL Model
Case 2: Online Election System
Supportive Document: Excel Data, SQL Model, MySQL Workbench Model
Case 3: Ordering System
Supportive Document: MySQL Workbench Model