A Simple Excel Dialog BOX Application


Launch Excel.


Use the Tools | Macro | Visual Basic Editor command.


In the Project - VBAProject window, right-click the Microsoft Excel Objects folder.


From the Shortcut menu, select options Insert and UserForm options.


If the Properties windows is not open, click the Properties Window button.


The form window shows the UserForm1 title. In order to change it to Normal Probabilities, click the form and then double-click its Caption property in the Properties window. Finally, enter text Normal Probabilities. Also change the Name property of the form to Gauss.


Click the Label control in the Toolbox window and draw a box for the label on the form. In the Properties window, change the label's Caption to Mean.


In a similar way, create two other labels: Standard Deviation and x


Using the Shift+Click method, select all the labels. Scroll through the properties to reveal the TextAlign property and chang it to 3-fmTextAlighRight


Click the TextBox control in the Toolbox window and draw a box for this control on the form. In the Properties window, change the control's Name to txtMean.


In a similar way, create two other TextBox controls: txtStandardDeviation and txtX


Click the CommandButton control in the Toolbox window and draw a box for this control on the form. In the Properties window, change the control's Name to cmdOK. Also change the Caption property of this control to OK.


In a similar way, create the Cancel CommandButton control (Name = cmdCancel and Caption = Cancel).


Finally, resize the form window so it will look like this one:


It is a good time to save your work. Save the entire workbook as XLDlgBox.xls.


To add program code to this from, double-click the OK button. Excel VB takes you to the cmdOK_Click procedure, where you will write a few statements to calculate Normal probabilities P(X <= x) and P(X > x):

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()


Mu = txtMean.Text
Sigma = txtStandardDeviation.Text
x = txtX.Text
pltx = Application.NormDist(x, Mu, Sigma, True)
pgtx = 1 - pltx
pltx = Format(pltx, "#%")
pgtx = Format(pgtx, "#%")
msg = "P(X <= x) = " & pltx & vbCrLf
msg = msg & "P(X > x) = " & pgtx
MsgBox msg

End Sub



txtMean.Text is a (value) property of the TextBox txtMean.
is a contant string combining the Carrige Return and Line Feed characters.
Application is an Excel object that enables the access to Excel functions in VB procedures.
NormDist(x, Mu, Sigma, True) calculates the probability that a Normal random variable (with the mean Mu and standard deviation Sigma) be less than or equal to x.


Close the Code window and double-click the Cancel command button. Excel VB opens the Code window again and starts up the cmdCancel_Click procedure. The only statement in this procedure is Unload Me. Then close the Code window.

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub


In the Project - VBAProject window, right-click the Microsoft Excel Objects folder. From the Shortcut menu, select options Insert and Module options.


Name the module as NormalProbability.


In the module's Code window, define the following procedure:

Sub GetNormalProbabilities()



End Sub


Via the Taskbar, go back to Excel worksheet and choose Tools | Macro | Macros | GetNormalProbabilities | Run.


Enter 0 for Mean, 1 for Standard Deviation, 0 for x, and click OK.




Click the Cancel button.