Project Management
Consider a project of preparing and eating the breakfast, shown in the following table:
1Get Eggs1
2Get Bread11
3Get Butter12
4Get Coffee23
5Boil Eggs61
6Cut Bread22
7Butter Bread23,6
8Make Coffee54
9Eat Breakfast75,7,8

The first column states the activity IDs, the second—description, the third—durations (in minutes), the last one—the immediate predecessors.

The first activity (aid = 1) starts this project. Activity 2 follows activity 1. Activity 3 follows activity 2, etc. "Get Butter" (aid = 3) and "Cut Bread" (aid = 6) are needed to be finished in order to start activity "Butter Bread" (aid=7). The last activity, "Eat Breakfast" (aid = 9), must wait until its immediately preceding activities "Boil Eggs", "Butter Bread", and "Make Coffee" (aid = 5, aid = 7, and aid = 8) are completed.

R Solution
Step 1: Read Data
eb = read.table(text='aid description duration ipred
1 "Get Eggs" 1 ""
2 "Get Bread" 1 "1"
3 "Get Butter" 1 "2"
4 "Get Coffee" 2 "3"
5 "Boil Eggs" 6 "1"
6 "Cut Bread" 2 "2"
7 "Butter Bread" 2 "3,6"
8 "Make Coffee" 5 "4"
9 "Eat Breakfast" 7 "5,7,8"', header=TRUE)
Step 2. Execute the following code lines (load functions into R):
The source statements load the following functions:
Object eb from the Breakfast case is a good example for argument project_structure.
Argument immediate_predecessors is a list of integer vectors derieved for column ipred of the project structure.

Using Package ProjectManagement
Installing and opening this package:
# R Code
# Upon success, open the package.
In order to generate a CMP schedule, using ProjectManagement, the project activities and their relations must be defiened as an adjecency matrix. The following function converts the immediate predecessor list to such matrix:
Let's start from scratch.
# Load the project.
eb = read.table(text='aid description duration ipred
1 "Get Eggs" 1 ""
2 "Get Bread" 1 "1"
3 "Get Butter" 1 "2"
4 "Get Coffee" 2 "3"
5 "Boil Eggs" 6 "1"
6 "Cut Bread" 2 "2"
7 "Butter Bread" 2 "3,6"
8 "Make Coffee" 5 "4"
9 "Eat Breakfast" 7 "5,7,8"', ,header=TRUE)
# Get the immediate predecessors. If necessary imort function imPred first.
ip = imPred(eb)
# Get the matrix.
mx = ip2matrix(ip)
# Get the CPM schedule.
cpm = schedule.pert(eb$duration, mx)
# Simplify the header of the data frame.
colnames(cpm[[2]]) = c('aid','d','es','ls','ef','lf','ts','fs','is')
# Show the project completion time and the schedule.
Developed by Jerzy Letkowski, Ph.D.